
Filling out forms


Course Request & Update Form

Completed for course creation and updates for the new term designated.

Instructor Authorization Form

Completed for assigned Instructor(s) changes only for the term designated.


Both of these forms are accessible in Adobe Echo Sign. See instructions here to submit.

Please review the Course Substitution Form Instructions before submitting in Adobe Echo Sign.

Note: the Course Substitution Form is to be used when a student has met a departmental, College, or University requirement through other means. If approved, the Office of Evaluations will notate this on a student’s account.



Submit an Academic Petition here. The academic petition form is for students:

  • Seeking an exception to policy;
  • Disputing enrollment related activity;
  • Requesting permission to take a course(s) at another school while enrolled at Chicago State University.

Any Petition submitted must be accompanied by documentation to support the claim. Please review our guidance related to documenting extenuating or mitigating circumstances before you submit.

The Office of the Registrar reviews all Academic Petitions on a weekly basis throughout the semester. After the committee reviews, a response letter will be sent to the student's CSU email address. All petition decisions are final. 

Note: the Academic Petition is not appropriate for grade disputes.

Chicago State University’s Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Policy measures whether students are progressing at a reasonable rate toward the completion of their educational objectives. Students must be in compliance with the SAP Policy in order to maintain continuing financial aid eligibility. The SAP Policy contains both qualitative (GPA) and quantitative (course completion rate and maximum time-frame for completion of educational objective) measurements.

At the end of every semester of enrollment the Office of Student Financial Aid identifies students who became non-compliant with the SAP Policy, or continue to be in non-compliance, as a result of their academic performance during that semester. Non-compliant students will be notified by e-mail of their non-compliance status. Their status will also be posted to CSU X-Press.

Students not in compliance should meet with their Academic Advisor to discuss what is needed to resume compliance with the SAP Policy, assuming they qualify. The Academic Advisor will complete the following forms:

 Additionally, a student needs to complete the: 

This includes any required documentation of mitigating circumstances, as addressed in the Appeal form.

All three completed forms must be submitted to the Office of Student Financial Aid. Once all documentation has been reviewed and a decision made, a student’s academic progress status will be updated in CSU X-Press. All decisions reached by the Office of Student Financial Aid are final.

 Name | Social Security Number/DOB | Address & Phone Number

  • Name: Required for students who need to make updates/changes to their official name. Official documentation is needed before requests are processed.
  • Social Security Number/Date of Birth: Required for students who need to make updates/changes to their Social Security Number and/or date of birth. Additional official documentation is required before requests are processed.
  • Address & Phone Number: if you are a current student, you can update your address and/or phone numbers through Cougar Connect. See instructions here for more details:  

pdf icon Instructions to Update Contact Information 

Change of Schedule - Add/Drop

Required for students who would like to make schedule changes for the term identified (drop/withdrawal changes will be processed with the date of submission as the effective date.)

  • Add/Drop: this form is required for students who would like to add and/or drop classes according to the deadline dates published in the term academic calendar.

To request an update to a chosen name or gender, students will submit this web-form online. For assistance or questions, please reach out to the Registrar’s Office in the Cook Administration Building, Rm. 128 or email:

Chicago State University recognizes that individuals may choose to identify themselves within the university community with a chosen first name and/or gender that differs from their legal first name or assigned gender at birth. This policy promotes and supports an open and inclusive environment through the establishment of a chosen name, chosen gender identity and chosen pronouns for use within University systems, where feasible. Chosen first names are used throughout the university, where feasible. 

CSU reserves the right to remove a chosen first name, if it is used inappropriately, including but not limited to, avoiding a legal obligation or for the purpose of misrepresentation. The legal name will continue to be used in college-related systems, business processes, IT systems (user account, and e-mail address), and documents such as reporting, financial aid, transcripts, payroll and tax documents, and other records where use of legal first name is required by law or college policy. 

Note: if you want to use your legal first name, you do not need to do anything. The college will automatically use your legal name and there is no need to confirm that with a form.

For undergraduate students, complete this form to have a diploma mailed to you or to request a replacement diploma.


For graduate students, complete this form to have a diploma mailed to you or to request a replacement diploma (for Master and Doctoral degree recipients only).


For undergraduate and graduate diploma reorders, please note you must call the Cashier's Office to pay for your reorder, after you've submitted the form. You can reach the Cashier's Office at: 773-995-2029 or

CSU has authorized the National Student Clearinghouse to provide degree and enrollment verification.

13454 Sunrise Valley Drive

Suite 300 Herndon

VA 20171

Students who need a written statement of their enrollment status at CSU or their graduation date must submit the enrollment verification form and provide a valid photo ID to request a verification. Some requests will require a $4.00 processing fee.

Required form for CSU students to grant consent to release education records including but not limited to student file, enrollment, grades, discipline, and financial records to a third party.


Please refer to the graduation page for more details regarding deadlines to apply to graduate.  

Chicago State University offers a Commencement ceremony once a year in the Spring. If you would like to participate in Commencement, please see our Commencement page here. Students who graduate in Summer or Fall are eligible to participate in Spring commencement.

If you would like to get a head start on applying to graduate for the next term:

  • Meet with your Faculty and/or Professional Advisor to discuss graduation. They can help review your academic records to confirm degree requirements or provide next steps if any course substitutions are needed.
  • There is a $50 graduation application fee that will be assessed to your account when you submit your graduation application. You can stop by the Cashier's Office to pay this fee any time or call by phone: (773) 995-2029.
  • Diplomas are available approximately 3 months (12 weeks) following the semester you graduated. Students will be notified via their CSU email when diplomas are shipped. Please make sure that your contact information with the University is up to date. You can check this via CSU X-Press. See instructions on how to update your contact info here

Finally, participation in the graduation ceremony does not constitute graduation.

Graduate and Professional students who have been admitted to a degree or certificate program, may use this form to apply to have their credits from another institution accepted at Chicago State University. CSU policy allows transfer of up to 34% of degree or certificate credit requirements, though some programs allow fewer. For questions, please email: 

Required form for CSU students who would like to submit a request for a grade of Incomplete. The process is initiated by the student and must be submitted to the instructor in writing, using the Incomplete Grade Request and Contract. Instructor must submit the completed form to

Undergraduate students who would like to request curriculum changes to their academic record. Complete to add, delete, or change a major, minor or concentration.

In addition, see this new academic major report for the state of Illinois. This tool contains useful data on how graduates from different majors are doing in the labor market: How much money are they earning? What industries are they working in? How much debt do they graduate with? What occupations are they likely to hold? Whether declaring an initial major, or switching majors, use this tool to better inform you of your choices!

Illinois Colege 2 career

Important notes:

  • All major changes and additions require advisors' signatures.
  • Advisor signatures are not required to delete or add a minor.
  • A major/minor change form will not be processed after a degree or credential has been awarded.

Click here to complete the Mental Health Disclosure form.

In accordance with the Student Optional Disclosure of Private Mental Health Act (IGP 59.1), Chicago State University is providing students the opportunity to authorize in writing the disclosure of certain private mental health information to a designated person of your choosing.

This Act states that an institution of higher learning may disclose mental health information if a physician, clinical psychologist, or qualified examiner, makes a determination that the student poses a clear danger to himself, herself or others to protect the student or other person against a clear, imminent risk of serious physical or mental injury or disease or death being inflicted upon the person or by the student on himself, herself, or another. The physician, clinical psychologist, or qualified examiner shall, as soon as practicable, but in no more than 24 hours after making the determination under this section, attempt to contact the designated person and notify the designated person that the physician, clinical psychologist, or qualified examiner has made a determination that the student poses a clear, imminent danger to himself, herself, or others.

If you desire to designate a person that would receive certain private mental health information in such a situation, please complete the form above and return it to the Office of the Registrar. You can also email the form to , in the subject line please include Mental Disclosure.  The form will allow you to affirmatively authorize, or decline to authorize, the disclosure of the information.

CSU is no longer offering a Pass/No-Pass grade option. This was available in Spring 2020 and Spring 2023, due to extenuating circumstances. 

The deadline for students to submit their Pass/No-Pass declaration form for Spring 2023 was May 10, 2023. The Pass/Non-Pass option was available to undergraduate students only. Additionally, students were ineligible for the pass/non-pass option when re-taking a course, if they are a student athlete, or on academic probation

Given that grade point average influences admission requirements to professional programs, graduate school admission and financial aid matters, students should have discussed this option with financial aid and their Department Chair prior to submitting the request. Once the grade option has been declared, it cannot be reversed. This grading option only applied to Spring 2020 & 2023.

Submit form to the Registrar's Office by the student, prevents the University from disclosing any information about the student to the public, except only certain organizations with a legal right to such information.
CSU students who would like to apply for university administered and/or constructed qualifying examinations.

Please note: Proficiency examinations may be taken for credit in accordance with regulations (see CSU’s catalog for additional information). The grade in the proficiency examination is Pass or Fail.

Ready to Reignite Your Future?

Whether you've taken a break and are ready to return or you're considering re-enrollment, CSU is here to support your journey. Our dedicated team is committed to helping you reignite your academic path and achieve your goals. Explore our programs, reconnect with our vibrant community, and take the next step toward a brighter future with CSU.

Readmissions Process:

Former undergraduate students of CSU who were in good academic  standing at the time of withdrawal and who wish to return after an absence of two or more years must submit the following:

  • Application for readmissions 
  • Official transcripts from all colleges and/or universities attended since their last attendance at CSU

Next Steps: Please visit our Readmissions page to create an account in the CSU application portal and submit your readmission application.

Students need to complete the Reverse Transfer Agreement Form to allow sharing of transcript information between CSU and the Illinois public community college. 

Students who transferred to Chicago State University with at least 15 transferable credit hours from an Illinois public community college and did not already receive an Associate’s degree are eligible to participate in the reverse transfer program.

Upon achieving junior standing (60 earned credit hours), students may apply to participate in the Reverse Transfer program. The student may receive an Associate’s degree from the Illinois community college, subject to review of completed coursework and satisfaction of degree requirements by the community college, while continuing to earn a Bachelor’s degree at Chicago State University. 

See our page on Reverse Transfer for more information.